I have been away from this space for the last few days to celebrate Christmas with my family and also my little sweet daughter came down with quite an upset tummy and needed lots of mommy and daddy love and affection.
I have been aware over the last few days that I am thankful for so many things and it all begins with what some people refer to as the 'basics'. Here is what I mean - I am truly and deeply thankful for a solid and safe roof over my head, a warm and cozy bed to sleep in, a quiet place to rest my body and mind, food in the refrigerator (and yummy good for you food at that!), people who love me and who I love, my health (really without physical and mental health many things in my life would be incredibly difficulty), clothes to wear that are warm and comfortable, great books to read and be inspired by and, someone to listen to me if I need to talk, laugh or cry. Most of all, I have the freedom to be myself. So as we move towards the beginning of a new calendar year my goal is to do my best to keep it simple and be thankful for the basics.
Having a loving person around to listen is very important.