Saturday, December 18, 2010

Let's take it from the beginning...

This is blog is for me.  Don't get me wrong, I hope others will read it, share in it, perhaps see themselves reflected in it and, on the off chance be inspired.  However, this journey is revealing of me.

The idea for this blog came to me while trying to get my youngest child to nap (the new happy hour as mother's of young children know!).  She held her little soft warm hands to my face, in that awkward yet unconditional way that young children have and patted my cheeks.  She looked deeply into my eyes and said "Mama I love you, love you mama".  I smiled and my mind said rather intrusively "Don't forget this moment!!". The thoughts continued to come as I told myself don't forget this moment later today when both of my daughters are crying, or in conflict with each other, or when you are trying to do the dishes, laundry and losing your sanity. 

I have a tendency to recall the negative, the what went wrong, the places and moments when things could be different.  I struggle to remember the good moments, the sweet moments, the moments of love, true peace and the many many things I have for which I am thankful.  This blog is my attempt to notice, document and capture those sweet, positive, life giving moments.  Hopefully, as I do this, I will begin to notice them more and maybe even become more grateful.

In being candid, there are a few other reasons for trying out the blog-o-sphere.  I have had a rather constant and at times unsettling desire to be more creative, in particular to write.  Writing on the surface seems rather simple and mundane, however look deeper and it is revealing and complicated.  Perhaps through this blog I will work out these tensions.  Secondly, I had hoped through blogging to have a permanent record of the positive to give to my darling daughters at the end of this year, so they could see and feel the beauty in gratitude. 

Each day I will post a new moment that brought me gratitude, made me smile, or at the very least kept me going as I move through what feels like at times a scary, irrational and unsafe world.  Join me, it's more friendly with company.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great idea. I hope you enjoy the process. I will enjoy reading it.

    Today I was grateful that my little boy cried. There was a day when he didn't cry for a whole day and in that darkness all I wished was to hear his voice. So everyday I am grateful to hear his cry.

    Signed, You know who.
