Thursday, January 13, 2011


Today my darlings and I went to the local library.  After the usual snack and some computer time, we began our search for some great books to bring home.  Browsing in the children's section, the level of excitement begins to grow, with my little one hugging each book and announcing that it needs to come home with us.  She runs over to the book bag and toss book after book, because every book she is in love with and it must come home.  The book bag is no longer visible at this point as it has crumpled under the weight of all the books.

My oldest and I start looking at the levelled readers section and it hits me that as a senior member of kindergarten she has come along way with her reading skills.  I see the Level 1 readers and call her over.  She lifts her head from the stack of books she is pondering and comes over.  I explained how she is likely able to read the Level 1 readers (emerging readers, books with repetitive, high frequency words) on her own.  She looks at me with sheer delight in her eyes.  We perused the Level 1 readers and found some that she could read (no need to incite frustration at this point) and she started feverishly pulling readers from the shelves and getting very excited.  In the end I convinced her to narrow the field to 6 books and she skipped to the librarians counter in delight.

At home she climbed up on the couch for what she proclaimed would be "reading time" and read her books (with some assistance on the unfamiliar words).  I looked at her when she was not aware and was overcome by how proud I was of her, how independent she is becoming, how loving and beautiful she is.  I am thankful that reading has come easy to her thus far, and that she loves the printed word, and most of all that she is proud of herself.  Here is wishing you a moment of unexpected delight with the world and those around you.

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