Thursday, January 6, 2011


Today there was this stretch in time sandwiched between a morning with a friend who brought her same age son over to play with my two darlings and, an afternoon filled with a playdate for my oldest with a school friend that stands out as... wonderful and breathable.

I had taken my oldest to school for her afternoon session, had finished a rather nutritious, hot yummy lunch, my youngest had finally decided to fall asleep for nap, and I curled up on the couch with the book I am reading.  I became so engrossed in the book (probably about 30 minutes) that when I looked up, the snow was falling gently, the sky was clear and the sun was making it's way to bed.  The house was silent and I was aware of still things seemed.  I could not take my eyes off the quiet falling snow and the sense of peace that came over me.  I was aware that shortly the house would be filled with the loud and unpredictable sounds of the three girls playing, yelling, laughing, jumping and perhaps crying.  This quiet and still space in between the morning activity and what would soon be the afternoon frenzy seemed like a delicious treat.

Here is wishing you stillness and peace tonight.  Feel free to leave a comment and share what makes you feel a sense of peace.

1 comment:

  1. Tonight I was out with a friend, and we were reflecting on 2010 and how it had been a year of both glory and great challenge. There was a brief moment when I thought of my young son, and the world around me fell away as did the difficulties, and there was a moment of peaceful, joyful glory. Sometimes even when there are all sorts of things happening around us, just the thoughts that bring us to a place of peace can transform a moment. ...don't you think?
