Friday, January 7, 2011

Day 7

Today seems like a good day to check in (given it has been 7 days) around the "month of nothing".  As I described in an earlier post, I am attempting to make January the month were I purchased nothing except what is needed for survival (food etc). 

Here are some things I have noticed in the last 7 days.  There is something liberating about not thinking about shopping, not using shopping as a distraction or an attempt to change my emotions (usually away from a feeling(s) I no longer want to have).  It has also allowed me to be in a store and really see what a store is about - being mindful of my surroundings and not buying into the marketing madness.  I have been in two stores recently (at the request of others) and I felt out of place and a little repulsed (amazing what the mind can do and be influenced by!).  I have also enjoyed not having more things/stuff in the house, getting better use out of what I already own, and it has made me more conscious of when my mind wanders to the desire to buy something.  I have also had a little more time on my hands.

I am not naive enough to think this will last forever or that I will always feel this clear and empowered but for now, I am enjoying the ride and hope that it will continue. 

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