Tuesday, February 1, 2011


We are awaiting a winter storm in this part of the world, and people are bracing for mounds of snow and hopefully a snow day - at home (playing with the kiddies, sitting by the fire, drinking hot cocoa - insert your own comforting image here!). 

Today was a rather stressful day at work and I was grateful (and mindful) of two things: I was aware of my stress, the feelings of frustration, to some extent anger and was able to notice them and name them to myself before I acted on them (and maybe said something I might not be happy with later on when I would hopefully be less angry).  Secondly, I was able to vent and talk about my feelings with my colleagues (who noticed something was up) and do it constructively and ask for what I needed.  Thus, the venting turned into something where real action and some change took place.  I did do things somewhat differently today and for today - things got better.  Here is wishing you a day filled with some change and much positivity.

P.S. Today's picture was taken during a visit to the U.N. - a place where connection, change and, hopefully positivity reside.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about the stressful day. Sounds like you handled it beautifully and constructively (as always). Glad you have supportive colleagues.
    Love the photo - thanks for posting it. I have never been to the UN...one day.
