Saturday, February 19, 2011


"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt
This picture was taken during a visit to the United Nations and sparks many thoughts and ideas within me, depending on my mood and recent experiences.  Today, it makes me think of creativity.  The freedom to be creative, to express yourself, to share your ideas, thoughts and stories.  In particular, if those thoughts or views are not popular and may go against what others think.  I appreciate hearing dissension, it helps to ensure that issues are considered and thought through from all sides.  It means a respectful, mindful discussion can take place.  It forms as a model of maturity and a lesson to our children that creativity and respectfulness leads to the best relationships and sense of community.

There are moments (if I am lucky they are not fleeting!) where I have such a sense of love for the world, a burst of creative ideas, stories I would like to write, or pictures I would love to paint.  I think these come during times of deep respect for myself and others and - a little quiet does not hurt either!

Today I am grateful that there are times when respect and creativity lead to greatness.  I hope your day is full of inspiration!!!

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