Friday, February 11, 2011

I'm in it for kindess

“Smile at each other, smile at your wife, smile at your husband, 
smile at your children, smile at each other -- it doesn't matter who it is -- 
and that will help you to grow up in greater love for each other.” 
- Mother Teresa

Kindess is something I strive for each and every day - whether I am successful or not is another story, but it is my intention to be kind.  When faced with a stressful, frustrating, or anger-provoking situation, I do my best to remind myself - I am in it for kindness - not a fight, not to be right, to be kind.  I often repeat this silently to myself, in particular when I am angry at someone or some situation, where I expect more or want things to be different.  Reminding myself of my intention to be kind helps me to calm, and also to play the situation or emotions forward.  Playing ahead means looking at when the intensity of the emotion or situation has reduced.  I imagine where I want to be standing and what I would like to be feeling, about the outcome, and more importantly about myself.  I have had several expereinces over the last few days that remind me that calm and kindness can prevail.  It is a good reminder.  I am also still carrying some situations where I feel more like being adversarial than kind.  It is a work in progress.  I try to practice kindness with myself as well.

I often think of how the world and our relationships with each other would be different if kindness was a universal stance.  It makes me smile and creates such hope.  So today, today I am thankful for kindness - after all at the end of the day what else is there - really.
What brings out kindness in you and others around you?

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