Thursday, March 10, 2011

I break for fun!

If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come. 
- Chinese Proverb

We are on the verge of March Break in my part of the world  March Break!!!!!  I am so happy about March Break - a break, a chance to sleep in (maybe wishful thinking - but I am dreaming), maybe nap, do whatever I/we want, with the sole goal of having fun (and staying healthy).  There is no schedule, there is no expectations, there is no end result that has to be achieved - need I say more?

I am intending to be present and mindful of enjoying each moment of this March Break.  I am grateful for a chance to slow down, have fun, and play.  I am aware of how much more positive my outlook becomes when I have a chance to breath and move and go at my own pace.  I hope to quiet the racing thoughts, the list of to do's, shoulds, need to, have to. . . . .and do more noticing, more gratitude more joy. 

Today's picture is of my darlings literally jumping for joy at the thought of March Break!  How will you spend the next week?  What will bring you a sense of peace and gratitude?

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