Friday, April 8, 2011

Let it Flow

As the end of the week is upon us, and hopefully we begin to wind down and slow down, I am just letting my thoughts flow.  Here is some reflecting on my feelings right now, and my sense of gratitude - in the form of a poem...after all in this part of the world, we are celebrating National Poetry Week...

The week is done
The exhaling begins
The comfort of home is now within
I reach to touch my young daughters face
So Smooth, so sweet, so full of grace
Life is both hard and soft
Bright and bold, full of love and loss
I am grateful,
I am grateful,
I am grateful today.

The sun can shine, the wind can whisper
The blooms begin to open a sliver
I seek a sense of quiet peace
To think, to thank, to settle in
To allow a sense of meditative love
for myself, my family and everyone
I am grateful
I am blessed
I am beautiful today.

Here is to the poem singing in your heart today, tomorrow or anytime.  Happy Friday.

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