Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Rest and Recover

We have been spending the last 5 days trying to rest and recover from some sickness that has taken over the house.  I had thought since the warm outdoor weather was upon us that sickness went on vacation as well and would be staying away - not so much.  We are doing our best to take care of ourselves and slow down and do what is needed (mostly rest).  It does give me some time to reflect on how precious time is and how much we might 'waste 'of it. 

This summer I have the intention of slowing down, sharpening my perspective of what is life giving, affirming and joyous and trying to let the rest...well..go.  I was having this thought the other day (while lying bed trying to rest), about how to address any areas of my life that were causing me stress, how to change my perspective on things, and how would my life feel differently if these areas were addressed or resolved.  It is an interesting thought exercise to do...sometimes the stress is not so conscious.

I am grateful for my health, and the health of my children and am hoping for a speedy recovery.

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