Saturday, July 2, 2011

Change is a coming

There has been a lot going on lately.  We have all been nursing some sickness and the disbelief that one might get the cold/flu.virus in late June - in February I am accepting - in June I am cranky and annoyed.  I put in my time with germs this winter!  Enough already.  There is sunshine, blue skies, playtime with the darlings and ice cream to be had - there is no sickness in the plan!

We have also been celebrating a major milestone in our house.  Our oldest darling will be moving to the next division of schooling and to celebrate the transition we shared tears (of joy I kept explaining), a lovely concert at the school (much to mommy's surprise the oldest would like to be a figure skater when she grows up!), and a party with family that included two cakes!  This has been a bittersweet time for me, it is clear that my darling is growing up, she is her own person, with her own life, and I can't stop all the changes.  This baby who I brought home from the hospital (which feels like yesterday) is now on to a full-day in school.  How do you keep them close and yet let them be.....?

The youngest is also experiencing her own transition, as she goes off to school for the first time next year.  I am totally not ready for this.  She is the littlest one, and yet in many ways I know she is ready, and her mind is open to learning and exploring. I am having a very hard time trusting the world with my two most amazing, precious babies.  I am grateful that they are wanting to go to school and wanting to learn.

I am also grateful that many friends and family seems interested and empathic to this time and journey in our lives.  Here is to change, it is a coming......

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