Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Oh the joy...!!!

The last few days have been about joy.  The source of such joy has been the girls, the darlings, the sweethearts, the lovedarlings, my amazing, wonderful, beautiful daughters.  The summer has given us the chance to spend more time together.  Lazy, do whatever we want, no schedule, no hurrying, sleep in late, eat ice cream on the porch, go to soccer, visit friends, swim and nap time!!!!!  I love it.  Lazy, follow your nose time is spectacular.  Let it all go time . . .it is something of a reservoir of joy and restoration to be tapped into. I want this to last forever!!!  I know this is not possible, but really, I am not about being practical right now, I am about enjoying and letting go!

Today, we enjoyed and were present with each other.  Every gave a little and loved a little.  Pure joy!
Here is a little poem - an ode to the day.   I am trying out my poetry skills, as I think, with trepidation, about entering a local library poetry contest.  So here goes.....

Joy is knocking
Open the door she yells
Invite her in, ask her to play,
Dance with her, tickle with her, beg her stay,
She is needed, she is wanted, she is blooming away,

Enjoy the day, and the joy!!

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