There has been a lot going on lately. My two babies went off to school! Two babies in school- where does the time go? It feels like just yesterday that I brought them hime from the hospital. It was an emotional week as they went off and yet they seem to be adjusting. Perhaps better than Mommy.
We also celebrated our 10 year wedding anniversary this past week. So many memories and so many changes. I feel so blessed to share my life with my darling husband. He is wonderful and I appreciate being on this journey together. More about this in a coming post!!
The other event around here was the running race I participated in this past weekend. After training all summer I achieved my goal of running a 5k race. I have made some progress from the person who could not run more than 30 seconds at the beginning of the summer to running a whole 5k!!! I really enjoyed working towards my goal and all the support I received from my hubby and friends. Many of the other racers would run quickly and then walk. As my goal for the race was to run the whole way-even if my pace slowed to a crawl, I kept telling myself during the race, "you have to run your own race, you have to run your own race" Kind of a nice metaphor for life.
What events have occupied your life?
More posts please!