If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
- Dalai Lama
The purpose of our lives is to be happy.
-Dalai Lama
It is so easy to get caught up in it all - the negativity I mean. To focus on all that could be...if only...why can't....I am just waiting for...
For me the path to gratitude is one of returning. Returning to what is, what is already in my life and is beautiful. Returning my mind to positivity, calmness and hopefully, peace. Returning to the grateFULLness when it feels all I am surrounded by is stress and negativity, selfishness and personal motives. Returning to what is beautiful, returning, returning, returning to being thankful. Sometimes this means letting go and losing my grip on certain situations. I have been thinking more mindully about how I return to the path of gratitude (and thus abundance) when my mind and feelings take me somewhere else, for me, reading something inspiring and genuine, listening to calming music, positive thoughts and statements are all helpful. I have learned, there is no quick fix, and sometimes I don't get back on the path as quickly as I would like (and I try not to give myself a hard time about this!). Each moment presents a new chance.