Monday, April 8, 2013

April Musings...Looking Back...Moving Forward

Our love pooch
The Easter Bunny is coming...
Keep the greens coming!


April is upon us...and none too soon...winter has far overstayed his welcome and we are all begging Spring to arrive and settle in, not just tease us with possibilities!
I have been looking back a bit, thinking about this time last year...I need no reminders that it was around this time last year that our dear, sweet, furry, cuddly and full of warmth fur friend Freud passed away.  I think of Freud so often.  I keep looking under my feet worried I will step on him, or make room on my lap for him to cuddle, or think - time to go for a walk and then I remember he is not there, no longer with us, and my heart feels heavy and I take a deep breath.  I can still feel his warmth and very much miss his comforting presence.  Sigh.
Staying focused on the present I am thankful for the laughter and joy that my darlings seem to exude for every holiday or celebration!!!  I watched them explode in delight at the prospect of Easter egg hunting, the Easter Bunny and of course...chocolate!!!  I love their energy, sense of joy and pure delight.  I am so thankful for them, for their health, their beauty, smarts and general loveliness!!
Moving onto the future, I have been thinking about how to get more energy!!!  Watching the girls, and getting through the workday, I have noticed just how often I feel tired or lacking some oomph..some get up and go..some get the picture.  I am trying really hard now to get lots and lots of greens, vegetables, fruit and exercise into my day to day.  I broke down and allowed myself the luxury of one of those high powered blenders - which makes this goal just that little bit easier!  I will let you know how it goes....